I have decided to end the paid subscription so that everyone can now enjoy the content that was previously behind a paywall. There is no particular reason for this, but I have been feeling lately that I am not comfortable curating and providing content for paid subscribers. Perhaps I am lacking in some areas or the Content has become too burdensome, as it can cause pressure when you are being paid to curate it. It's not worth doing something that makes me uncomfortable, so I am deciding to end the paywall.
Thank you to all the amazing people who have subscribed to the paid plan, allowing me to earn something and recognizing my efforts to find the best content for them.
Here is the good news: I will continue to curate the best investing resources, such as key takeaways from books, Takeaways from the best investing articles, and small investing clips, but now it will be free, so there will be no pressure on me to produce it.
You can show your support by upgrading your subscription from free to paid if you deem it to be of value, or by ensuring shopping on Amazon through my affiliate links whenever you shop :) and Also can support by paying any amount to buy Best Free Investing E-books
I hope you will continue to show your love and support for my work.